Steer Wrestling

Can You Handle the Bull? A Closer Look at Steer Wrestling by 101 Rodeo Association 


In the thrilling world of rodeo sports, there's one event that stands out for its raw power and adrenaline rush - steer wrestling, also known as bulldogging. 101 Rodeo Association takes center stage, proudly showcasing this electrifying sport. In this article, we'll dive into the captivating world of steer wrestling, exploring the techniques, athleticism, and traditions that make it a favorite among rodeo enthusiasts.

1. Meet the Steer Wrestlers: A Test of Strength and Agility

Steer wrestlers are the epitome of strength and athleticism in the rodeo world. These skilled cowboys take on the formidable challenge of subduing a powerful steer. With determination and courage, they become the heroes of the rodeo arena.

2. The Set-Up: Boxes, Chute, and the Release

As the audience holds its breath, two cowboys take their positions - the steer wrestler and the hazer. The steer, eager for the showdown, awaits release from the chute. In the designated "boxes," the tension builds, ready to explode into action.

3. The Run: Horseback Pursuit

Once the chute opens, the steer takes off like a bullet, and the chase begins. The hazer plays a crucial role in this phase, skillfully guiding the animal in a straight line. This positioning is vital for the steer wrestler's success in the next step.

4. The Takedown: A Dance of Strength and Strategy

At nearly full speed, the steer wrestler approaches the steer with unwavering determination. With a quick slide off his horse, he grabs the steer's horns and employs masterful techniques to turn it and bring it down. The objective is to lay the steer flat on the ground, all four legs facing the same direction.

6. Precision and Timing: Stopping the Clock

As the steer wrestler completes the takedown, the clock stops, and the arena erupts in cheers. The time taken for this incredible feat is crucial, as every second counts. The faster the wrestler can immobilize the steer, the higher the chance of victory.

7. The Rodeo Spirit: Camaraderie and Respect

Beyond the intense competition, rodeo events like steer wrestling foster a strong sense of camaraderie and respect among the participants. Steer wrestlers, hazers, and other cowboys form a close-knit community, celebrating both triumphs and the spirit of the sport.

8. Sponsorship by Manley Cattle Co.: A Shared Passion

101 Rodeo Association's steer wrestling event is proudly sponsored by Manley Cattle Co. This partnership showcases the mutual passion for preserving cowboy traditions and promoting the exhilarating sport of steer wrestling.


Steer wrestling, the heart-pounding sport of the rodeo world, exemplifies the indomitable spirit of cowboys and their dedication to preserving age-old traditions. 101 Rodeo Association, with the support of Manley Cattle Co., continues to honor and celebrate this extraordinary sport. So, the next time you witness a cowboy triumphantly taking down a steer, you'll understand the skill, athleticism, and heritage behind this thrilling spectacle.


Q: What is steer wrestling? 

A: Steer wrestling, also known as bulldogging, is a rodeo event where a cowboy wrestles a steer to the ground.

Q: How do steer wrestlers bring down the steer? 

A: Steer wrestlers grab the steer's horns and use techniques to turn it and lay it flat on the ground.

Q: What is the role of the hazer in steer wrestling? 

A: The hazer guides the steer in a straight line, setting up the ideal position for the steer wrestler.

Q: How does the clock stop in steer wrestling? 

A: The clock stops when the steer wrestler successfully lays the steer flat on the ground.

Q: What does the partnership between 101 Rodeo Association and Manley Cattle Co. signify? 

A: It highlights their shared passion for preserving cowboy traditions and promoting steer wrestling as a thrilling rodeo sport.